BattleBit Remastered: M4A1 Weapon Modifications


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Jun 01, 2023

BattleBit Remastered: M4A1 Weapon Modifications

The M4A1 is one of the first weapons made available in BattleBit Remastered and will serve as the primary bread and butter of the assault class until level 15 where you unlock the AK-15. The other

The M4A1 is one of the first weapons made available in BattleBit Remastered and will serve as the primary bread and butter of the assault class until level 15 where you unlock the AK-15. The other weapon made available under the assault rifle tree right off the bat will be the AK-74. A Russian design with a hard-hitting bullet, though not as accurate as the much lighter M4A1. Due to the nature of the game, the more you level up, the more weapons and attachments become available to you. Each gun requires its own kill count in order to maximize its effect.

It’s important to note that these weapons are consistent with every other firearm throughout the game using proper modifications and skill; however, their effectiveness can fall off in various fields compared to later-level guns. For instance, the M4A1 is not as hard-hitting as the SCAR-H but has significantly more accuracy at a distance. The M4A1 has a plethora of modifications that can make it anything from a silenced close-range weapon to an accurate marksman rifle with everything in between available. One of the key aspects of this weapon is that it is both lightweight, and easy to carry; allowing the user to move as quickly as someone carrying something like the AK-74, or an LMG.

One of the key aspects of BattleBit Remastered is their use of modular weaponry; holding the ability to make weapons more general, or specialized for any specific role. Some of these sections include modifiable main optics and sights, as well as canted sight pictures. Side rail, and under barrel attachments allow the weapon to be more accurate or suited to a particular firing type. This can be further upgraded with the addition of barrel modifications like flash hiders, compensators, and suppressors. Magazine modifications include both quick mags for reloading speed and extended magazines for more bullets. Finally, each gun has its own set of camouflage that can be unlocked by killing enemies with the weapon.

These upgrades can make all the difference in a battle, from people noticing you; to recognizing how much range they are from your location. The addition of a collection of sight optics, muzzle accessories, and under-barrel grips allows the user to pick and pull what they want from each item. In a sense, this allows the user to make a firearm that’s truly customized to their needs; which can make the game more immersive for gun collectors, and military fans alike. With a limitless amount of combinations existing in order to maximize player creativity, it adds an element of artwork as well as a tactical feel to what can sometimes be considered an alternative trophy system.

There are several different build types to consider when playing BattleBit Remastered. With absolutely zero repetitive battles, the difference in distance, time of the conflict, and the vehicles/ classes of the enemies at large. In truth, it means there’s no one combat load that will get you through, so having general builds works best in the long run! Some of these builds include simple things such as a close-range assault, long-range marksmanship, night-time fighting, and even potentially a heavy weapon build. Due to the generalized nature of the M4A1, all of these builds can be effective no matter the situation and may vary depending on personal preferences in attachments.

M4A1 In basic configuration

Assault builds are going to be the most commonly used in BattleBit Remastered for general fighting, and can range between close-range, and long-range attachments. This is entirely up to the players themselves and what their personal comforts are; but either way, there will be a couple of consistency between both. Each has its merits; though it should be noted that a medium-range scope like the ACOG can have a top sight to fulfill both roles. In these cases, you may also want a suppressor in order to keep your actions quiet; to get the drop on more combatants.

For close-range fighting, you will want a compensator or heavier barrel that can allow your weapon to have reduced recoil; furthering that with either an angled grip or something akin to it. These builds can be made more effective by utilizing quick-ejection magazines over the traditional standard mag, or even an extended one. The main reason for this is that reload animations can take a long time, but given the quick-ejection mags, it cuts the process down by a third. When using these close-range builds, consider a canted iron sight for quick aiming potential around corners, and of course, something akin to the holographic sight or Kobra.

When it comes to medium-range combat, you’ll want to keep a lot of the same attachments except maybe adding a range finder and an ACOG to your arsenal. The compensator or heavy barrel can be supplemented with a long barrel, allowing the weapon to behave more accurately than the standard configuration. For canted sights, you will most certainly want to dedicate yourself to the holographic sight, or the red dot; as these will give you some amount of play at a close-range distance. Additionally, a top sight can be added like a red dot, allowing you to switch between three potential magnifications.

Close Combat Build

Coming into the range of needing the M4A1 to become a light sniper rifle, there are several modifications you can add to accomplish the goal. For starters, a longer barrel with a medium-range sight can allow the user to basically turn the weapon into a sniper when popping it into singular fire mode. The addition of a vertical grip or any counterpart to it allows the weapon to stay stable and accurate; while maintaining a good close-range fighting advantage if you run into it. Finally, an iron sight canted onto the weapon, with a range finder allows the M4A1 to become the perfect scouting weapon that can defend you in any environment with a simple selector switch change.

Dealing with night fighting scenarios, you won’t be able to use medium scopes due to the nature of night vision goggles. Instead, players can use a mixture of green light lasers, and flashlights in order to locate enemies and attack them from close range. Besides this, any other modification you’re comfortable with makes the M4A1 a powerful nighttime weapon. Either way, due to the night vision goggles, it’ll be difficult to maximize your effectiveness in medium-range combat, forcing the players into close action slogs. For this reason, keep your weapons ready for close-quarters combat; and keep your pistol ready.

Finally, the best weapon choice for some users looking to maximize their support role, later on, is using heavy weapon modifications. Mixing a heavy barrel with extended magazines, the B-25 U R K grip, and the range finder, you can maximize your rapid and suppressive fire shots against enemies. For scopes in these configurations, you could go with either a close-range, or medium-range build depending on your fire control; just note that recoil will hinder accuracy greatly. Canted sights that are either irons or close range can allow these builds to become even more effective, but the most important tactic here is cover, and keeping movement after a few shots.

Long Range Build M4A1

The following will be a complete list of modifications, their effects, advantages, weaknesses, and what they are capable of doing. These are all unlocked via different amounts of kills, the most expensive ones being as many as one thousand kills. Tables will be broken up into modification groups such as under-barrel, side rail attachments, and scopes in order to keep them neat and tidy. There are no good or bad attachments; instead, each has its own strengths and weaknesses which may be comfortable for some players, and for others not so much.

Most close-range scopes and sight optics are meant to be used during nighttime operations or to have fast and hard approaches. Unfortunately, they are often times cut short when dealing with anyone over 150 meters in range; however, they can be better than dealing with a typical iron sight. Ideally, these optics are better for a more aggressive approach and should be kept away from long-range attacks. Either way, some of the more effective scopes include the Kobra optic, Razor, and H S401 G5. Each of them has its own strengths and weaknesses that make them more valuable than their counterparts.

Aim Comp

Fast ADS, Good Sight

Enclosed Optic, No Top Sight


Good Sight Picture

Limited Magnification


Fast ADS, Good Range

Redesign of Holographic

Red Dot

Fast ADS, Good Sight

Lmited Range


Good Sight, Good Range

Limited ADS


Fast ADS

Bad Range, Bad Sight Picture


Fast ADS, Good Sight Picture

Bad Range

F You Sight

Trophy Sight

Worse than Iron Sights

Holo P K-120

Redesign of Red Dot

Worse ADS

H S401 G5

Close Range ACOG

Slow ADS

Heavy Weapons build M4A1

Most medium-range scopes are entirely unable to be used in night-time fighting, instead being relegated to daytime combat. The one benefit of some of these medium scopes is that they can have a secondary top sight installed on top, allowing for potentially three different magnifications in combat. Generally, these scopes start to fall off after the four-hundred-meter mark, and the best of the bunch is by far the ACOG. Otherwise, the Slip, Flir, and T R 14 X32 are the best of the medium sight ranges, despite the fact that they often can’t have top sights placed on them. This can be circumvented with a good canted sight!


Good Range, Top Sight

Slow ADS

M 125

Good Sight Picture, Good Range

Slow ADS, Mediocre Range


Good ADS, Good Sight Picture

Mediocre range, No Top Sight


Great Sight Picture, Great Range

Slow ADS


Good Range, Good ADS

No Top Sight


Good Range, Good Sight Picture

No Top Sight, Bad ADS

T R 14 X32

High Magnification, Good Sight Picture

No Top Sight, Slow ADS

Burris A R332

Good Range, Good Sight Picture

Bad ADS, No Top Sight

These top sights are a great way to improve the amount of combat effectiveness your weapon has. Unfortunately, all of them save for the iron sights F You Sight offer more ADS time, making it slower for you to aim down range. This is why it’s important to couple these top sights with Iron sights that are canted so that you can take advantage of quick close-quarters combat. Generally, top sights are meant to increase the effectiveness of a medium-range scope, though only certain ones can be equipped with a top sight.

Long Range M4A1 Build

Delta Sight Top

Good Holographic Sight

Limited Range, Adds ADS Time

Red Dot Top

Basic Red Dot, Good Sight Picture

Limited Range, Adds ADS Time

C Red Dot Top

Good ADS, Good Sight Picture

Limited Range, Adds ADS Time

F You Top

Trophy Sight

Iron Sight Rework

Canted sights are one of the best means of having an alternative sight module. They are in effect, a sight placed on the weapon at forty-five degrees, and serve the purpose of allowing the user to use the weapon from a peep-hole style sight. In BattleBit Remastered, these are quintessential for night fighting and switching between medium and short-range combat! One of the best uses of these is to have an iron sight canted onto a medium scope with a top sight, allowing for three different magnifications. No matter the building style for the M4A1, this particular sight attachment can be quintessential to having good combat effectiveness at any range.

Fast ADS, Good Sight Picture

No Magnification

Red Dot

Fast ADS, Good Sight Picture

Bad Range

F You Canted

Trophy Sight

Iron Sight Rework

Holo Dot

Good Sight Picture, Good Range

Slow ADS

Night Fighting M4A1 Build

One of the key differences between BattleBit Remastered and many other games is that they only have a limited number of magazine types. These range from standard to quick-ejection magazines, finally leaving you with extended magazines. These are all useful for the M4A1, as they change how the weapon interacts on the battlefield by either making them more hefty, or more tailored to short-term gun fights. It’s important to remember that these weapons basically have the variance of reload time and magazine size, meaning they can be used to match situations where you’re needing a heavier weapon, or something more tactical in nature.

Standard Magazine

30 Round Magazine, standard Reload

No weaknesses


30 Round Magazine, Fast Reload

Smaller Total Magazine Capacity


45 Round Magazine

Slow Reload, Limited Total Capacity

Side-Rail Attachments are important to adding quality-of-life features to your M4A1 in BattleBit Remastered. These often include flashlights and laser sights, as well as the coveted rangefinder. These are incredibly useful accessories for particular build styles and allow a player to maximize their weapons, or at least get some mild protection. It’s good to have laser sights attuned to your battle’s time of day; as green lasers can’t be seen with the naked eye. Remember that this game holds a level of gunplay that favors attachments like the flashlight for aggressive responses, whereas accuracy builds may enjoy the range finder or tactical lasers!

List of Modifications

Flash Light

Beam of Moderate Light

Gives Away Position, Affects Night Vision

Range Finder

Finds the Range of a Target

No weaknesses

Red Laser

Presents A Red Laser Visible To The Eye

Gives Away Position, Invisible to Night Vision

Tactical Flash Light

Short Range Bright UV Light, Doesn’t Effect Night Vision

Gives Away position

Green laser

Presents a Green laser Invisible To Naked Eye

Only Good For Night Time

Search Light

Long Range Bright Light, Obscures Shape

Gives Away Position, Effects Night Vision

Underbarrels are among some of the most quantified attachments in BattleBit Remastered, and show the clear need for customization. Almost no two grips are the same, as they offer different bonuses and drawbacks based on their initial design. It’s interesting to note that these are exclusively comprised of grips, with no form of grenade launcher or under-barrel weapon available. Instead, it is clear to note that the developers wanted to offer players the most diversity for their M4A1’s grouping possible by giving players a whole grocery list of options. Remember that different kits will need different grips, so always keep a few on standby. Some of the best are by far the B-25 U R K, the Stabil Grip, and the Magpul Angled!

Angled Grip

Vertical Recoil Resistance

Not Good At A Long Range

Vertical Grip

Horizontal Recoil Resistance

Not Ideal For Close Range

Stubby Grip

Quick ADS

Low Recoil Reductions

Stabil Grip

Better Horizontal Control

Ideal For Single Fire

Vertical Skeleton Grip

Better Shot Grouping

Ideal For Burst Fire

F A B- D T F G

Long Range Fire Control

Poor Automatic Control

Magpul Angled

Automatic Fire Control

More Shot Spread

B C M- Gun Fighter

Less Recoil (Horizontal and Vertical)

Mid Range Specialty

Shift Short Angled Grip

Atomatic Fire Control

Close Range Specialty

S E-5 Grip

Burst Fire Control

Close Range Specialty

R K-6 Foregrip

Automatic Fire Control

Meant for Mid Range Fighting

Hera C Q R Front

Faster ADS

Slower Reload Time

B-25 U R K

Faster Reload, Horizontal Fire Control

High Vertical Recoil

VT A C U V G Tactical Grip

Good All Around Grip


-Source SefouGaming

Barrels are the second largest modification table for the M4A1, as there are various ways a player can interact with the battlefield through them. BattleBit Remastered offers players everything from compensators and heavy barrels to suppressors and flash hiders, making different tactical play styles possible. There are endless ways to show off your weapons with barrel attachments, making them deadly, quieter, and more accurate! These attachments often make it harder to look down on sights, thus making them hard on close-quarters combatants; however, their use can make firearms excel at an extraordinary rate in war!


Tightens Fire Grouping

Lowers ADS


Lowers Recoil in Single Fire

Lwers ADS


Lowers Recoil in Automatic Fire

Lowers ADS, and Increases Reload Time

Long Barrel

Increases Bullet Velocity and Range

Lower ADS

Muzzle Break

Increases Bullet Velocity and Lowers Recoil

LowerADS, Louder Gun Fire


Tightens Fire Grouping, Lowers Muzzle Flash

lower ADS, and Bullet Velocity

Flash Hider

Hides Muzzle Flash

Lower ADS

D G N-308

Hides Muzzle Flash, Reduces Recoil

Lowers ADS

V A M B-762

Enhanced Compensator

Lowers ADS, Increases Reload Time

S D N-6 762

Enhanced Long Barrel

Lower ADS

N T-4 556

Enhanced Heavy Barrel

Lower ADS

Suppressor Long

Muffles Bullets Very Well, Masks Muzzle Flash

Lower Bullet Velocity and ADS

Suppressor Short

Muffles Bullets Well, Masks Muzzle Flash

Lower Bullet Velocity

BattleBit Remastered offers their player base more customization in weapons than series like Call of Duty or Battlefield, instead, being more equivalent to Arma or Marauders to name a few. Luckily, there are an infinite amount of ways you can interact with your firearms which make them feel more at home, and grounded. With such a simple graphical look to the game, you’d expect it to have simplistic gun physics, however, it couldn’t be farther from the case! Besides these attachments, there are dozens of unique skins and weapon looks that can be unlocked by playing through the game with said weapons. As for the M4A1, it may get you through the early game levels as this weapon packs both a serious punch and an accurate one at that!

Avid author and video gamer, specializing in topics ranging from strategy and 4x games to crafting and first person shooters!

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unlocked by killing enemies with the weaponallowing you to switch between three potential magnificationstake advantage of quick close-quarters combat green lasers can’t be seen with the naked eyedeadly, quieter, and more accurate